Design Mockups

Layout 1 (17th Mar 2016)

Layout 2 (17th Mar 2016)

Layout 3 (17th Mar 2016)

Layout 4 (17th Mar 2016)

Layout 5 (17th Mar 2016)

Layout 6 (26th Mar 2016)

Layout 7 (5th Apr 2016)

Layout 8 (5th Apr 2016)

Layout 9 (5th Apr 2016)

Layout 10 (5th Apr 2016)

Layout 11 (5th Apr 2016)


Layout 12 (25th Apr 2016)

Apartment leasing buttons added, and Services layout improved to better

showcase Property Management as primary service


Development - Inner Pages

Home - Final

Services - 1

Services - 2

Header layout and font sizes changed, images updated, and contact form added.

Who We Serve - 1

Who We Serve - 2

Header layout and font sizes changed, and images updated.

Who We Serve - Testimonial - 1

Who We Serve - Testimonial - 2

About - 1

About - 2

Header layout and font sizes changed, and images updated.

Contact - 1

Contact - 2

Contact details rearranged, office building image added, and form copy updated.